Tuesday, October 11, 2005

My first church sermon ...

"My grace is sufficient for you, my strength is made perfect in weakness."
This verse certainly saw me through the 2 services last Sunday. It is always easy to sit in the pews and evaluate the preacher and the preaching ... but when you are in "hot seat" yourself, things take on a whole new meaning.

"Living with purpose" was the title given to me. Wrestling with the title itself was tiring enough. What does it mean to live with purpose ? How does one live with purpose ? What does the bible have to say about it ?

How do I communicate the Word of God to a mixed congregation - some of whom have gone through life's experiences many times over, and others who are just starting out in life ? I felt so inadequate. And yet the verse kept coming - my grace is sufficient for you.

I learnt much more than the congregation last Sunday. Preparing the sermon forced me to wrestle with His Word and to give it place in my life. How else could I preach His Word, except I assimilate it first ? How else would I expect my listeners to heed His Word, except I bow my will before it first ?

"My strength is made perfect in weakness."


Blogger Cranium said...

the above comment is another of those moronic spammers... do ignore them...

10:09 PM  
Blogger Al said...

turn on word verification for comments to prevent spam

9:48 AM  

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