Friday, December 24, 2004

Lessons from the field - One step at a time

The mist and darkness descended so quickly we were taken by surprise.

It was a 1 1/2 hour trek up to Dueg after the truck got stuck in the mud.

Within 1/2 hour we were reduced to tiny steps as the mist and darkness combined ensured we could only see a few steps ahead at one time.

I had come on this trip with questions. And I wanted answers ...

Well ... I got my reply ... "One step at a time"

This is Christian spirituality. Many times we can only see one step ahead. But we will never know what lies ahead of that step if we do not take the one in front. And we can be sure the next step will come into view after this one.
The other re-assuring thing was : just as there were people in front of me whose steps I could follow so that I did not fall into the mud, I could also follow the foot steps of saints that have travelled ahead of me.
At the same time, there were also those who were trailing behind me, depending on my foot-steps to lead the way.

One step at a time. Will I trust enough to take it as it comes ? Will I be an example for those who come behind me ?


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