Wednesday, August 04, 2004

I have a dream ...

I had a dream about 5 years ago and was waiting for it to come true yesterday. Call me silly but I dreamt I would die when I reached 30 or 55 (I couldn't decide, cos the dream wasn't specific). I hit the first figure yesterday.
"Carpe diem" they say. That's what I did, or tried to do the last 5 years. I wanted to make the most of the remaining time left, just in case.

Now that I've gotten past the 30-year hurdle, I wonder if I've really got 25 more years. To enjoy ? To live ? To exist ?

Call it mid-mid-life crisis if you will, but hitting the 3rd decade of your life mellows you a little, matures you a little and melts you a little.

"Years to life" and "life to years", they say. So what's most important ? "What does a man profit, if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?" Is not our life like a passing cloud ? So what if I've got only 5 more minutes to go ? What do I do with it ? Do I wait for a crisis to decide to impact my world ? Do I wait for a terminal illness before I decide to redeem the time to do His work ? Do I wait for the last breath to say the first "I love you" to someone dear ?

So what's most important ?


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