Friday, July 30, 2004

So ... who is it for ?

I started doing my curriculum vitae at the behest of the department secretary. She said it would be good to start early, in case I need to apply for a job at the hospital in future (yes, doctors still need to apply for jobs - it's not an iron rice bowl like most people think). And I must say I was rather impressed at my achievements so far. (smile)

Reality check.

Didn't I just read about Dr John Sung who readily threw away his earned papers and degrees into the sea, after he heard the call of God ? Didn't I also read about a Pharisee scholar in the 1st century AD (remember Saul of Tarsus, later known as the apostle Paul) who said he considered his achievements as "dung" when compared to the saving knowledge of God's salvation ? Then why am I spending so much time massaging my CV to make it more appealing and impressive ? Who am I trying to impress ? For whom am I doing all this ?

Such a humbling thought.

My worth doesn't depend on my achievements, does it ? Where does my confidence lie ? In whom do I place my trust ?

Who's the boss ? 


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