Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Mammon or Mission ?

What do I work for?

I went to bed last night with this nagging question in my mind. Cognitively I knew the correct answer - surely it must be the mission that God placed in my heart - Missio Dei. But when the reality and crunch came, I found myself standing before the imaginary monetary scales - fixated, enthralled, anxious.

I tossed and turned in bed - thinking that it must have been the overdose of caffeine that was causing my mind to race at that unearthly hour. It was only upon realising the true intent of the question that was weighing upon my mind and heart that I stood still before the scale, and overturned it. There can be no comparison.

The mission is paramount. The mammon is secondary.

Missio Dei.

With that, I slipped instantly into a peaceful sleep.


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