Monday, July 21, 2008

Can I be trusted?

Sometimes the Lord brings us to uncomfortable situations to remind us of our own shortcomings. In gentle yet startling ways, He challenges our prejudices and exposes our hypocrisy. It was at a recent missions conference (yes, missions) that I discovered a huge log in my eye - one that smarted immediately upon my own discovery of its presence. Before that I was comfortable with the myopia and blurred vision.

He was an "odd-ball" - to put it simply. "Crashing" into the seminar room, he was abrasive and loud. The discomfort within the room of 'mission-minded' people was immediate and entirely palpable. Strangely enough, I was drawn to him - and decided to chat him up during the break.

What began as a weak attempt to be brotherly developed into an uncomfortable exercise of drilling into the deepest recesses of my heart. He was certainly not the easiest person to talk to - his mannerisms and propensity of invading into my personal physical space (a city-dweller, I was more comfortable with a respectable distance between faces during conversations, and had to stop myself from retreating everytime he advanced into my comfort zone); his loud and abrasive speech (as a medical person, I desperately rationalised that it was because of his hearing problem that he was shouting into my face); his stark and unabashed requests (I had to pull his bag for him, buy drinks for him during dinner) - all these clashed immediately with the 'properness' of behaviour and etiquette that I was more accustomed to.

Was he a consummate confabulator ? - the 'psychologist' within me asked. Or was he delusional ?
Or was he genuinely deaf and handicapped ? - the 'doctor' within me attempted to diagnose.

Could his stories be trusted? Could he be trusted?

Then the painful whisper came crashing down on me.

"Can I trust you with someone like him? Can I entrust someone like him to your care?"

The fact is - they don't come white-washed and sanitised. Didn't Paul admonish in Ephesians 2 to remember our former estate from where we were saved? As much as we never came to Him sanitised first, we are still in the process of being sanctified. Can a building under construction judge the scaffolding found on another cathedral?

I fear the day a hospital turns away the sick because they are sick.

Can I be trusted?


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