Friday, September 03, 2004

A little self discovery

Tomorrow I present my scientific findings to an international community (sounds glamorous but nothing really, I just put up a scientific poster ... no need to talk).

I thought nothing of it initially... until it struck me. Meeting all these brilliant researchers from all over the world, seeing their life work, their enthusiasm to share with the rest of the world their projects made me wonder what we Christians are doing with the greatest "discovery" that this world has ever,will ever and must ever know.

Imagine substituting every one of these brilliant scientists with a Christian, each telling the world his or her great discovery of the GOD of the universe. Imagine every Christian able to substantiate his claim in front of a questioning audience, doubly and triply sure that his story should be told to as many as will hear.


Let's not even imagine. We HAVE the greatest discovery of all. Should it not compel us to want to tell the whole world what we have found ? But what do we do ? We hide our light under the bushel. We are too shy. (Too shy ? Because we do not believe ? Because the good news ain't good enough we fear ? Because we are afraid the world won't believe us ? Does it make our news any less worthy if they reject it ?)

So what's my little scientific discovery compared to the LOVE of GOD revealed to me ?
I have travelled half the world to share science. Where have I gone to share HIS LOVE ?


Tomorrow I present my scientific findings to an international community.

So what ?


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