Thursday, January 13, 2005

Who convinced who ?

Was treated to a nice dinner at Mezza9 (Hyatt Hotel) on Tuesday by one of the hospital administrators. Her aim - to dissuade me from quitting. My aim - to convince her.

Ended up telling her my life story from tender age 16 when I first got my call, and how it became more sure, and of course how could I let up the chance of telling her the story of the 2 fleece. After all, she was the one who bought the digital cameras as prizes. Her eyes nearly popped.

Anyway, at the end of the dinner, she said she was convinced. Convinced that I would leave, and convinced there was a God. I had to tell her that she needed to know which God ... But that, I'm sure, will be the subject of another meal. (not bad to have evangelistic dinners !)

Like what we learnt at the apologetics class, evangelism is a process. Sometimes the process is short, other times it may be long drawn. Are we willing to be part of that process ?

I hope I can bring her through the process before I leave.


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