Tuesday, January 31, 2006

An amateur preacher's diary ...

A few lessons learnt from preaching at 2 youth camps.

I had to learn to seek the face of Father. Since I was going to be His mouthpiece, I had better catch His heartbeat. And what better way to do so than to spend time with Him. Prayer and fasting I learnt was essential. And to be quiet before Him - to listen.

I had to learn to lay my own agendas aside. And yet at the same time, I realised that the Lord will also give freedom to develop what He has placed in my heart. It's a partnership, I learnt.

I also learnt Father's love. And because of Father's love, He will touch His children. Not because of my eloquence or lack of it, not because of the strength of my persuasion or lack of it - but only because He loves. I had to learn to trust Him. And that gave me freedom. Freedom knowing that I no longer had to deal with the stress to "perform" - I just needed to flow with His Spirit. I just needed to listen and obey.

I also learnt to hide back under the shadow of His wings. I had to retreat to Father in humility after each session - knowing and acknowledging that it was Him, not me. It had to be all about His Son, not this son; His glory, not mine. How fiercely jealous He was of His own glory. I had to learnt to fiercely guard His Glory - that it remains wholly His.

Lessons learnt. I pray they will not be easily and quickly forgotten.


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