Sunday, April 19, 2009

I wonder

I wonder what I will see when I peel away the titles behind my name. (MBBS, GDCS, MEd)

I wonder who I will encounter when I shed the titles from my shoulders. (PCT, LTK, FMC, YM)

Will I like what I see?

Will I recognise him?

Perhaps it's time to find out.

To Be Or Not To Be With

I heard an interesting sermon today - it was what an impactful homily ought to be - simple yet profound.

I had always agreed that we ought not be caught up with the DOING. After all, we are human BEINGS, and surely what we ought to focus on must be the BEING.

I was proven wrong this evening and as I sit typing this, I am beginning indeed to see how self-centred the first two propositions must be. One is concerned with the action by self, the other is concerned with the condition of self.

Surely what we must be concerned primarily ought to be "BEING WITH". Relationship. With whom?

I am reminded of the garden story - where God asked, "Adam, where are you?" And I am reminded of another story from the tree - where Christ said, "Today, you will BE WITH me in paradise."

Being with.

I think it's perhaps a good time to step back and step out in order to BE WITH.