Thursday, July 27, 2006

An Attempt

We had to share what we wrote during the tutorial.

Here's my take on the definition of theology as of July 2006.

1. “Theology is …”

Theology is the philosophized, verbalized and/or written form of the human study of the Divine, which illustrates one’s view of God, self, others; and as a result, directs one’s interaction with God, self and others.

2. “Theology is not …”

Theology is not infallible – by virtue of the fact that it is an encapsulation of human thought about the divine.

My lecturer expects our initial definition to change by the end of the course. Let's see what happens by October.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Theology ...

What is theology ?

What is theology not ?

To what end, theology ?

I hope to be able to answer this soon, after my tutorial on Wed !

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Welcome to my new blog !

Ok ... so I've started a new blog just for photos which I've taken with my now-old digital camera. My repertoire is now only limited to still life because I cannot figure out the settings on the camera to capture anything that moves faster than me. I hope to graduate to homo sapiens in time to come.

A picture speaks a thousand words - so I am told. Each of these pictures means something to me. Since clouds, sunsets and sunrises can only speak so much, I hope to be able to communicate through more sophisticated shots in future. I just need to learn my vocabulary and I am no linguist.

The blog's called "PickTour" - anyone who can figure out the many reasons why it's called that will get a free meal from me.

Oh yes ... here's the address -