Had dinner with Pastor Margaret from Sarawak last night. In her distinctively quiet and unassuming manner she recounted how they built their church from scratch.
Every family was involved. Two or three families would buy a pole, and every family would bring 2 bags of cement each. Bit by bit, as the materials came in, the church was built.
Someone asked her why there was no money in the church bank account. Her reply was "What for ? As the Lord provides, so we give out."
I learnt 2 lessons last night.
There was ownership by the church members. Everyone chipped in and contributed to the building of the church. The members were poor, and yet there was a sacrificial spirit among them to see God's work established. They were prepared to go the extra mile, to make the extra sacrifice.
A giving attitude despite having little. Having the faith to believe in Him to provide, and being obedient to continue giving. No point storing for ourselves treasures on earth, when we are missing out on eternal promises.
I was blown away when she said,"I may be poor, but my Father is rich, and He has many children."
Underlying that statement belies her trust in the Lord who owns everything, and her understanding that her Father will move the hearts of His children to give towards His work.
Reliance and partnership.
Where does this leave us ?
We are rich. And yet we often cannot even bring a small plank to contribute to the Lord's building.
We have treasures in the bank account. And yet we cut back on our giving.
What will our Father think of us ?